Nutrient Food Sources


Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, immune function, antioxidant status, the manufacture of certain neurotransmitters and for absorption of other nutrients, in particular iron. 

Vitamin C is easily reduced in foods by cooking or by cutting foods (for example, the vitamin C content of pre-prepared salad is much lower than fresh salad).

Food Sources of Vitamin C Amount (mg/100g)
Apples 6
Apricots 6
Asparagus 12
Avocado 6
Banana 11
Bell peppers, red 140
Blackberries 15
Blackcurrants 200
Broccoli (raw) 87
Brussel sprouts 60
Cabbage 49
Calf’s liver 19
Cauliflower 27
Clementines 54
Grapefruit 36
Green peas (raw) 24
Guava 230
Kale 71
Kiwifruit 59
Leeks 7
Lemon 58
Mango 37
Melon, Galia 26
Mint 31
Nectarines 37
Oranges 54
Paw-paw 60
Parsley, fresh 190
Peaches 31
Pepper, red (raw) 140
Pineapple 11
Raspberries 32
Spring greens 77
Spring onions 26
Strawberries 77
Sweet potato 17
Tomato 17
Watercress 62


Source:  McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods (6th Edition)
