Nutrient Food Sources


Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in the body.  All cell membranes contain fats.  Cell membranes play an active role in the health of cells, as they are responsible for allowing certain nutrients and other substances into cells and for the transport of waste out of cells.  It is therefore vital that the membranes are ‘fluid’ and omega 3 fats promote this fluidity.  In contrast, hydrogenated or saturated fats make cell membranes harder and less efficient. 

In addition, omega 3 fats help to reduce inflammatory enzymes in the body, are important for anti-inflammatory substances, reduce blood pressure and blood viscosity and may also help to reduce allergic responses. 

Food Sources of omega 3 oils (see also beneficial oil sources and omega 3 and 6 oil balance in foods) Amount(g per serving)
Broccoli 0.2
Brussel sprouts 0.3
Cabbage 0.2
Cauliflower 0.2
Cloves, dried, ground 0.2
Cod 0.3
Collard greens 0.2
Flaxseeds 3.5
Green beans 0.1
Halibut 0.6
Kale 0.13
Mustard greens 0.2
Oregano, dried, ground 0.1
Prawns/ shrimp 0.4
Romaine lettuce 0.01
Salmon 2.1
Scallops 0.4
Snapper 0.4
Soybeans 1
Spinach 0.15
Strawberries 0.1
Summer squash 0.15
Tofu 0.3
Turnip 2.3
Tuna 0.3
Walnuts 2.3
Winter squash 0.3


